Smile Studios Orthodontics
Smile Studios Orthodontics
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Invisalign Vs. Smile Direct Club

Invisalign® (Clear Braces) in Atlanta & Marietta, GA

Are you having trouble deciding between Invisalign Vs. Smile Direct Club? At Smile Studio Orthodontics, we are dedicated to providing education  about the latest treatments, as well as offering affordable costs to our patients that accommodate any budget.

Where Can I Find Out About Invisalign Vs. Smile Direct Club Near Me?

Our team at Smile Studio Orthodontics are experts in Invisalign and Invisalign Teen in Union City GA. As a leading Atlanta orthodontist, Dr. Venn is knowledgeable and experienced in all forms of orthodontic treatment. As a result, we offer supervised care by an orthodontic specialist that received the necessary education and training to help guarantee the best possible results.

What Is Invisalign?

Invisalign uses sets of clear aligner trays to provide the same results as braces. Clear aligners are virtually invisible so no one will ever notice your orthodontic treatment. Each set of aligners is made of lightweight,smooth plastic to gradually shift teeth into alignment. Invisalign and Invisalign Teen are both made with SmartTrack material for a perfect fit that never slips out or affects speech.

What Is Smile Direct Club?

Invisalign® (Clear Braces) in Atlanta & Marietta, GASmile Direct Club is a system that also uses clear aligners to attain straighter teeth. However, Smile Direct Club eliminates visits to an orthodontist by allowing treatment to be done right from home. First, you will need to locate a nearby “SmileShop” where dental impressions are captured and used for molds. In addition, you also have the option of receiving a dental impression kit through the mail. Once your dental impressions are received, each set of aligners is delivered right to your front door. However, it is important to keep in mind that Smile Direct Club eliminates the supervision of an orthodontist in Union City GA over the course of treatment.

Why Choose Invisalign With A Certified Orthodontist?

The American Dental Association discourages against do it yourself orthodontics because of the potential dangers and associated risks. It is believed that supervision by a licensed orthodontist is necessary for all phases of orthodontic treatment. This includes oral and periodontal examinations, X-rays, treatment planning, prescriptions, periodic progress evaluations, as well as a stable final assessment. If the current course of treatments isn’t delivering expected results, an orthodontist has the choice to switch to braces or another form of more effective treatment. As a result, continuous supervision by a Union City orthodontist such as Dr. Venn ensures the health of teeth to prevent tooth loss as well as other unnecessary complications.

Finding The Difference Of Invisalign Vs. Smile Direct Club

In conclusion, Dr. Venn and our team at Smile Studio Orthodontics specialize in orthodontic treatment. We are here to answer any questions or concerns you may have regarding Invisalign, Invisalign Teen, or Smile Direct Club in Union City GA, Newnan GA, East Point GA, and Douglasville GA. Contact Smile Studio Orthodontics today to schedule a complimentary consultation. Call now 770-892-3833.

Smile Studio Orthodontics